I love ceiling fans! I know they aren’t designer, etc. But they are functional. And I love functional! So, maybe it’s a good thing I’m in the rental market. I feel like many pretty design elements aren’t functional and that’s disappointing to me.
Like the fact that everyone wants open shelving these days b/c it’s “in”. However that doesn’t sound appealing to me at all. You end up losing storage space b/c you’ll feel the need to put a glass elephant or a fake book there to make the shelf look pretty since everyone can see it. Then, you’ll have to shove your ugly things down in the basement where they are much less accessible. I prefer closed cabinets where I can house all my ugly things. :-p
Back to ceiling fans. Another reason I like them is because I like to feel the breeze inside – it makes me feel like I’m in a tropical location.
Ceiling fans also can provide plenty of light if you pick the right one. I like to get the ones with multiple light bulbs and no cover on them to filter the light. At least for rentals – I feel like the brighter the better. If they don’t like the bright light then they can have lamps in the room and use those instead. Or they can put softer light bulbs. It’s their option. They had some fans on sale at Home Depot for $70 – what a deal! About the same as a light fixture – depending on the light fixture.
Unfortunately, you sometimes have to butcher the ceilings a bit to get any kind of light fixture in but some patchwork and you should be good.. See this post on patching the holes: Patching Holes