Next, I scrubbed the black fridge too hard and left dull streaks on it – I made the fridge that was only 2 years old look like junk. Really?! The one time I got gung-ho about cleaning something. See – this is why I’m not gung-ho about cleaning! :-p
So, I decided to go home so I wouldn’t screw anything else up and found someone parked right up on my tail which I cursed about in front of the kids – woops! Kids, don’t say the words I said – they are bad! Mommy, which words? Oh, nevermind… While trying to get out of my spot, I bumped the car that was right up on my tail! Then, the lady magically appeared at my window. She offered to move her car and I told her she might want to take a look at her car b/c I think I bumped it. She was nice and said there wasn’t any damage so no worries.. Whew! Now, I just needed to get home in one piece and not screw anything else up!
Thankfully, there was a fix for both things that got messed up. Luckily, my husband is a problem-solver and not a panicky person like me. He had two suggestions and they both worked. Praise God for him – he kept me from trying to jump off a cliff – kidding – not a physical cliff but a mental cliff.
There’s the two products that saved me – Gel-Gloss and Grout Renew!
1.) We just rubbed the gel-gloss all over the fridge door in circular motions (wax on, wax off :-p) using a white cloth and let it dry (sit for 10 to 15 minutes) then wiped off with a cloth. It’s good as new – barely can see where I rubbed it raw. You will want to test on an inconspicuous spot to make sure this is going to work for you. 😉
2.) The Grout Renew was more time consuming. I found the matching color for the grout that was already there. The grout was now splotchy colored – some areas darker than others and some areas were even white, but all areas were at least lighter than before so I got to pick a lighter grout color than it was previous – bonus! I just picked an in between grout color of the same shade and it evened out the light and dark areas. I took a small paint brush and painted the grout renew on the grout, then worked it in with a soft bristled toothbrush. I kept a damp white cloth on hand to wipe off the tile with every application. You don’t want this to dry on the tile. Yes, this was time consuming but it looked great when finished. Whew!
Here’s a pic of the kitchen before renting – it cleaned up pretty nice:
I had some more close up pictures, but I took them with my phone which happened to die shortly after we put the For Rent sign in the front yard with my phone number on it. 😉 God’s trying to help me learn to be less panicky too, I think! :-p