I can’t really decide if this one is a Pinterest win or fail.  I’m still thinking about it.  I’ll let you decide.  The wreath I bought was falling apart and had faded after having it up for 6 years straight so I pulled all the berries off and was left with the wreath skeleton.  Which, when my husband saw it without the berries – he’s like, “Great!  We can just put that up!”.  Lol!

I had some pine cones left over from when I bought some cinnamon scented pine cones from Michael’s like 20 years ago – lol.  They had obviously lost their scent and had gathered so much dust.  They were perfect.  Also, I had my girls collect pine cones from the park as well.  So we had plenty.  I was trying to use stuff I already had or that was free.  I seriously considered making one out of all the kid’s mismatched socks, but thought better of it.  One day I’m going to figure out a use for those.

I cut the pine cones with a tree trimmer like tool.   Or is it a bush trimmer?  I have no idea – found it in the garage.  I guess you can tell I haven’t done any yard work.  Here’s a picture of it:

I actually thought I could use tin snips at first but no way.  These things are hard to cut – you need something heavy duty.  And some of the cuts aren’t going to go well so plan for that.  Then, I put them in a box and spray painted them red – actually this color from Home Depot.  I love red (it’s apple red):

I wanted to do multi-color but I didn’t feel like buying more paint so it’s all red which worked out because then I could just slop them on there however I wanted.  I hot-glued them on there – seems to be going pretty well so far.  We’ll have to see if they start falling off.

However, I think I could’ve spaced them out a little better – it looks like it has ears.  Maybe I’ll add a few more filler pine cones at a later date, but I ran out of spray paint because I used half of it for something else so for now this is going to have to be good enough!

I think it looks especially good from afar – at least that’s what I think.  Or maybe the Home Owner’s Association is going to write in the bylaws – no DIY wreaths – because of my creation.  We shall see.  Lol.

UPDATE: This ended up being a massive Pinterest fail. The pine cones kept falling off (I guess the hot glue wasn’t a good idea for summer time – it just melted and the cones kept falling off). I was too irritated with it to try to fix it that I just tossed it in the garbage. 🙁

Here’s a close up:

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